Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Since I started a new and improved blog I have kind of neglected this one, for obvious reasons.
But I decided to make this blog more of a life journal and share more personal things here because a lot less people will read this.
I have to throw this out there so hopefully I can hold myself goal is to write on here once a week and just do a quick update and write a little bit about the previous week! Keeping a journal is such a good thing to do, but something I have always struggled with! So let's hope I can accomplish that little goal :)
We just moved to Virginia Beach about a month ago and we absolutely love this place! The sales market is great, the east coast beaches are fun, and this is where we met so it's a little trip down memory lane!
Matt works a ton during the summer & I have been working also! Not every day, but I do a little bit which is better than nothing! (I remind Matt of that every now and then haha). It's hard to find the perfect balance between working, blogging and being the domestic housewife I like to be. I have noticed that when I'm working and very busy I feel more fulfilled and it makes me happy! I have also noticed that when I'm working and very busy, the laundry gets put off more, the house gets a little messier (which bothers me a ton), home cooked meals are more rare and I'm much more tired at the end of the day! So I have found that if I work 3 or 4 days a week and the other days I take care of errands and other things around the house, everything goes so smoothly! So that's what I do! And it's been great. I think everyone has to find that healthy balance in order to accomplish as much as possible and feel their happiest from the inside out. Life is all about balance and not getting too extreme about anything. I feel like when people get extremely involved in something, whatever it may be, it can cloud their judgement and make them forget what's really important in life. I support passion and I support people going after their dreams, but life in the home should always be number ONE!
Matt is 3rd in the company right now and it blows me away. He is so amazing at whatever he does. And by amazing I mean an extremely hard worker and also very skilled, he inspires me! I'm so grateful for him and what he does for me, he makes me feel so loved every single day.
We go on date nights all the time and they are my favorite nights of the week as well as Matt's. I will always think it's so cute when he comes home after a long day and all he wants is a huge hug from me. being married has taught me so much about unconditional love and devotion and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for blessing me with my Matthew!
My mom arrives in DC tomorrow and I'm SO excited to see her! I'm picking her up and we're going all around DC and hitting up the best spots! I'm so glad she's coming and going to be able to see where we are living and spend time with us on the east coast! I just love her so much and so does Matt, she's a really good friend to us and whenever she's around everyone just feels good and is happy to be with her. She has a way of making people feel extremely loved, and that's it. All you get from her is love and positivity. She's the best.
We've been going to the beach every week and that's another highlight. One of my happy places is on the beach with music playing and being with awesome people. (Can't wait for del mar this year)
Well this is all I have for now, just a little update and some thoughts. I will write more next week!
Here's to keeping a better journal!