Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Liebster Award!

So I got nominated by super cute Jacqueline Stoddard for the Liebster Award! 
Liebster is German for cute, darling, lovely etc. 
Even though I'm a little late I still thought it would be fun! 
I'm supposed to answer these 11 questions..enjoy!! 

1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging right when I got engaged! A lot of people were asking to hear the story and after repeating it 456 times I decided to just start a blog and post it so everyone that wanted to could read it!  We were in Ecuador when he proposed so I think that sparked some curiosity.

2. What is something this year that you are really looking forward to?
Easy. IM GETTING MARRIED!!!! I'm honestly so excited to be marrying the most amazing guy I have ever met in the temple. I am the luckiest girl to be getting sealed to such a catch! We also have a lot of plans and goals this year and I can't wait to see them become a reality!! :)

3. Name one of your biggest pet peeves. Why?
One of my all time biggest pet peeves is people smacking their lips together when they eat while chewing with their mouth open....if I am around someone doing this I can't help but stare them down with a slightly disgusted face. EW. Like close your mouth when your chewing! It's really not hard.

4. Photo's say a thousand words so share a photo that means the most to you. Why is this picture important to you? 

This picture means a lot to me because it shows 2 of my favorite things. Laughter, and Matthew. 2 things that bring me nothing but H A P P I N E S S.. P E A C E..& J O Y

5. Name a beauty product you can't live without & why?
This is so hard, there is honestly like 50 things I could list. I'll try to keep it to a minimum. First thing I couldn't live without is my shiseido anti-wrinkle cream. I refuse to ever.. so I am preventing wrinkles now by wearing my creams every night. I also couldn't live without my MAC prolong wear foundation..I have tried so many foundations and its by far my fav. AND my makeup forever HD setting powder....amazing...........go get some now. Everyone needs it. As far as my hair's a 10 miracle leave in treatment is awesomee especially for my hair since I'm blonde it gets damaged by the bleach and color, this helps restore it so well! That's all I will put for now, but the list goes on..for a long time... 

6. Currently, what is your favorite song?
Warning: This will make you roll your eyes.... The Best Day of my Life because it's our wedding video song!!!

7. What is your favorite blog?
Depends on what I'm in the mood for... cooking, makeup, fashion..I love it of lately I wish I had time to even read blogs!

8. What is your favorite way to work out?
Ummm....running to the ice cream shop. haha seriously..

9. Where do you like to shop? 
I adore Anthropologie, it is a little pricy but whenever I go in there I'll consider eating top ramen for a month just so I can buy a cute dress...think I'm kidding? Totally serious. haha I love any kind of boutique, they usually have really cute original pieces! 

10. Whats the best advice you have ever been given?
Love one another

11. Whats your favorite blog post you have written?
Our engagement story! Duh. 

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